Almaty city
November 20, 2023

This FEE-BASED MEDICAL SERVICES AGREEMENT is an official PROPOSAL (public offer) of International Medical Center LLP represented by Director Shinkarenko A.D. acting on the basis of the Articles of Association and according to Articles 389 and 395 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan contains all essential conditions of provision of medical services by the Contractor.
In accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 396.3 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan if an individual accepts the terms and conditions set forth below such an individual shall become the "Customer" (the Customer is also referred to as the Patient in this Agreement). This Agreement in accordance with Article 389 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall be accepted by the Customer by joining the Agreement as a whole, without any conditions, exceptions and reservations. Acceptance of the Agreement terms (acceptance) is carried out by means of payment of the cost of medical services and/or signing by the Customer of the patient's informed consent to provide fee-based medical services, the form of which is published on the Contractor's website and provided by the Contractor to the Customer before receiving medical services by the Customer. Acceptance of the terms and conditions of the Agreement (acceptance) when providing medical services remotely is carried out by receiving medical services by the Customer.

1. Subject of the Agreement

1.1 In accordance with this Agreement the Contractor provides fee-based medical services to the Customer according to the price list of medical services approved by the Contractor and published on the Contractor's website at https://imcalmaty.kz. Medical services shall be provided according to the profile of the Contractor's activity in accordance with its state license.
1.2 The Contractor shall provide medical services at the following addresses: Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty city, 235, Mukanov str., Almaty city, 311A, Gagarin Avenue (except for cases of providing remote medical services). Under this Agreement the Contractor may also provide remote medical services using digital technologies (tele-healthcare).
1.3 The free provision of medical services is not the subject of this Agreement.
1.4 The provision of medical services to minors shall be carried out only in the presence of legal representatives of minors or other authorized persons acting on the basis of a notarized power of attorney.

2. Rules and conditions of the services

2.1 Medical services under this Agreement shall be provided on the days and during the hours of operation of the Contractor's clinics, information about which is posted on the Contractor's website or can be obtained by phone at the Contractor's reception desk.
2.2 Medical services are provided by the Contractor based on preliminary appointment through the Contractor's website https://imcalmaty.kz and/or by contacting the call center and/or at the Contractor's reception desk. The Customer's admission without a preliminary appointment is carried out in coordination with the Contractor's reception desk. All conversations with call-center operators are recorded.
2.3 The Customer agrees that the treatment provided by the Contractor cannot fully guarantee the achievement of the effect, as various complications are possible during and after the provision of services, both in the immediate and distant period, and that the technology of medical care used cannot fully exclude the possibility of side effects and complications caused by biological features of the human body.
2.4 The duration of appointments with the Contractor's physicians depends on the physician's specialization and the type of appointment (primary/recurring, appointment/examination, other services):
- The Customer shall be seen by physicians according to the schedule approved by the Contractor. Physician’s schedules may vary. The duration of the appointment may range from fifteen (15) to forty (40) minutes. Within this range the duration of each appointment shall be determined by the physician. The duration of diagnostic tests depends on the specific type of test and may be up to fifteen (15) business days.
- If there is a need for emergency care for another customer in serious condition the appointment time may change.
- The Contractor has the right to reduce the appointment time or refuse to provide services to the Customer even in case of a preliminary appointment if the Customer is late by 15 (fifteen) minutes or more from the agreed time. The preliminary appointment may be postponed to a later time if it is necessary to complete the provision of medical care to the preceding customer, but not more than for 1 (one) hour. The Contractor may change the order of patient appointments, even in case of a prior appointment, if it is necessary to admit a patient, who is in a more serious condition, or to reduce the contact of other patients with a patient suffering from a respiratory transmissible infectious disease. In the event that a physician’s appointment is canceled for health reasons the Contractor shall promptly advise the appointed patients without the Contractor being obliged to replace the physician.
2.5 If the Customer contacts the Contractor with an infectious disease, a primary diagnosis of an infectious disease or suspected infectious disease the Customer may at the Contractor's discretion be referred to a specialized medical facility.
2.7 The Customer undertakes to come to the appointment with the Contractor's physicians at least ten minutes before the appointed time, to have an identity document to drawn up medical documents.
2.8 If it is impossible to arrive at the appointment at the agreed time the Customer undertakes to notify the Contractor by telephone as soon as possible, but not later than 24 (twenty-four) hours in advance.
2.9 The Customer shall enter the physician’s office upon invitation. It is forbidden to enter the physician’s office uninvited during the appointment of another patient.
2.10. During epidemics (acute respiratory viral infections and others) it is recommended to keep a social distance, use personal protective equipment: gauze or other bandages designed to protect against respiratory infection.
2.11. The Contractor has the right to refuse to provide medical services to the Customer in case of failure to comply with the rules of conduct set forth in this Agreement and internal documents of the Contractor.
2.12 The Contractor's clinics have audio and video surveillance in the corridors, reception area and other common areas to ensure the safety of the Customer, visitors, Contractor's personnel, to resolve arising disputable situations and for other legitimate purposes.
2.13. Medical reports on the state of patient's health containing information on the diagnosis, condition of the Customer's organism, recommendations and prescriptions for treatment and prevention are the property of the Contractor, if provided to the Customer by medical personnel during their working hours. The Customer has the right to provide data of medical report for the purpose of medical care to medical personnel of other medical organizations. This Agreement prohibits the patient or other persons from publishing the patient's medical reports in mass media, social media and network communication services, as well as showing them to third parties without the Contractor's approval unless otherwise provided for by the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

3. Payment procedure

3.1 The Customer shall pay for medical services at the prices specified in the Price List valid on the date of providing the services.
3.2 The Customer shall pay for the medical services received at the Contractor's clinics at the addresses according to paragraph 1.2. of the Agreement, as well as remotely, in the form of advance payment by the methods stipulated in paragraph 3.3. of the Agreement. In individual cases subject to permission of the Contractor the payment for services may be made after provision thereof. If as a result of providing medical services the Customer needs additional services such services are subject to payment upon provision thereof according to the Contractor's price list.
3.3 Payment for medical services by the Customer shall be made in cash by depositing money to the Contractor's cash desk in compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on cash payment, or in wireless manner by transferring money to the Contractor's bank account specified in this Agreement. The Contractor shall issue to the Customer a document of the approved form confirming the fact of payment. The payment obligation may be fulfilled for the Customer by a third party. Payment for the Contractor's services may be made in wireless manner by using the relevant functions of the Contractor's Website, remote payment and other methods applied by the Contractor.

4.Duties of the Parties

4.1 The Contractor shall:

1) ensure provision of medical services in accordance with clinical protocols of diagnostics and treatment of diseases, in the absence of clinical protocols for these nosologies - in accordance with generally accepted approaches and evidence-based medicine base for medical indications;
2) take all action to maximize the Customer's satisfaction with the results of treatment;
3) upon written request of the Customer provide the Customer with an invoice within the terms established by the tax legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
4) ensure compliance with and keeping of a medical worker’s secret under the conditions established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
5) bear other obligations stipulated by this Agreement and the applicable legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

4.2 The Customer shall:

1) comply with the Contractor's internal regulations, specified in the appendix to this Agreement as well as ensure observation thereof by attendants and visitors. The Customer may additionally read the internal regulations on the Contractor's website or at the reception desk;
2) inform the Contractor in due time within the terms established by the Agreement about the refusal to receive the service or a part of the service (not later than 24 (twenty-four) hours in advance);
3) make timely payment for the provided services in accordance with the procedure stipulated by the Agreement;
4) communicate with the Contractor's health care professionals with respectful and tactful attitude;
5) communicate to the Customer's medical personnel all information necessary for diagnosis and treatment of the disease, strictly comply with all prescriptions/assignments of the attending physician and the Contractor's medical personnel;
6) treat the Contractor's property with care, cooperate with medical personnel when receiving medical assistance. In case of damage to property and/or equipment (medical and/or non-medical) caused by the Customer or accompanying persons/visitors the Customer shall reimburse its cost as well as losses in full;
7) promptly inform the Contractor of any changes in his/her health state in the course of diagnostics and/or treatment as well as of the occurrence/presence of diseases that pose a danger to the Customer/surrounding persons or suspicions thereof, inform the attending physician of any changes in his/her health, promptly inform the physician of any unfavorable situations that may have caused harm to his/her health;
8) provide the attending physician and, if necessary, other medical personnel of the Contractor with information and documents (if any) characterizing the state of his/her health, inform about previous diseases, allergic reactions and contraindications, as well as other information necessary for preparation of the treatment course and qualitative providing of the Services, prevention of occurrence of harmful consequences for health. The Contractor shall be released from any responsibility in case of failure to provide such information or provision of incorrect, incomplete, false information by the Customer related to the provision of the Services to him as well as other information affecting the quality and safe provision of the Services;
9) if there are any complaints about the quality of the Services being provided including examinations, specialist consultations, treatment, etc., advise the attending physician and/or the Customer's manager in writing thereof on the same or the next day;
10) not carry out independent treatment during the period of validity of this Agreement without the appointment of the attending physician;
11) not take actions that violate the rights of other patients of the Contractor;
12) during the period of receiving medical services from the Contractor not self-medicate, not follow the recommendations and not receive treatment from healers, physicians of alternative medicine as well as physicians of other medical organizations without prior agreement with the attending physician of the Contractor;
13) fulfill other obligations provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and this Agreement.

5. Rights of the Parties

5.1 The Customer shall have the right to:

1) select an attending physician from among those employed by the Contractor;
2) carry out at his/her own expense an expert examination of the quality of the treatment provided and the soundness of the physician's prescriptions;
3) receive qualified medical aid in accordance with the requirements for diagnostic, preventive and treatment methods authorized in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
4) receive in a clear form the information on the state of health, including data on the results of medical examination, diagnosis and prognosis of the disease, methods of medical care, associated risk, possible types of medical intervention, its consequences and the results of medical care;
5) be treated with dignity in the process of prevention, diagnostics, treatment, respectful attitude towards their cultural and personal values;
6) receive information (data on possible risks and benefits proposed and alternative methods of treatment, information on possible consequences of refusal from treatment, information on diagnosis, prognosis and treatment plan in a form understandable to the Customer) and independent opinion on the state of his/her health and have a consultation;
7) receive information about his/her rights and obligations, services being provided, cost of paid services, prescribed medication, medical workers providing medical services to him/her;
8) designate a person to whom information about his or her health state shall be reported;
9) unilaterally refuse to receive the Services and terminate the Agreement subject to prior written notice to the Contractor at least 24 (twenty-four) hours prior to the proposed date of termination of the Agreement, subject to full payment for the Services actually provided. Such refusal of further receiving the Services with indication of possible consequences shall be recorded in medical documents and signed by the Customer or his/her legal representative and a competent medical officer of the Contractor.
10) exercise other rights provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

5.2 The Contractor shall have the right to:

1) refuse to provide services or terminate the treatment ahead of time and terminate the Agreement unilaterally in any of the following cases: in case of violation of internal regulations by the Customer/accompanied persons, rude and disrespectful attitude towards the Contractor's medical personnel both by the Customer and the persons accompanying him/her, careless and rude use of the Contractor's property by the Customer/accompanied persons, as well as failure to comply with medical prescriptions by the Customer, in case the Customer is late for the appointment by more than 15 (five) minutes. Whereas the cost of services paid in advance shall be returned by the Contractor to the Customer less the cost of actually provided services (in case the services have been paid in advance). The Contractor also reserves the right to deduct from the refunded amount 30% of the costs incurred by the Contractor;
2) if necessary, without prior consent of the Customer, engage third parties (third-party specialists of any profile, consultants in compliance with the requirements of the applicable legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan (including remote mode) for providing Services under the Agreement;
3) in case of detection of non-major diseases in the Customer (certain types of infections, sexually transmitted diseases, tuberculosis, mental diseases, etc.) refuse to provide medical services, terminate this Agreement unilaterally and refer the Customer to a specialized medical institution. In this case the Contractor undertakes to refund the money paid by the Customer within 10 (ten) business days less the cost of the services actually provided by the Contractor (if the services have been paid by the Customer in advance);
4) replace the attending physician in case the services cannot be provided by the physician chosen by the Customer (vacation, business trip, sick leave, etc.);
5) collect, process and use personal data of the Customer, enter them into its database (including medical data) data of the Customer as well as information on the diagnosis, conducted examination, treatment and its results, keep the said data within the terms stipulated by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, provide (disclose) the said information at the request of the authorities and persons entitled to receive the said information in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan as well as disclose the said information to third parties to be involved by the Contractor with the purpose of providing the Services under the Agreement;
7) carry out audio and video recording of the Services provision process itself for educational purposes, improvement of the quality of medical services provided that the Customer's prior written consent is obtained;
8) be treated with dignity by medical and other personnel of the Contractor in the process of prevention, diagnostics, treatment, respectful attitude to their cultural and personal values;
9) realize other rights provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and this Agreement.

6. Liability of the Parties

6.1 In case of failure to perform or improper performance of obligations stipulated by this Agreement the Parties shall be liable in accordance with this Agreement, and in the part not stipulated thereby - in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
6.2 The Contractor shall be liable for the admitted cases of violation in providing fee-based medical services:
1) provision of medical services of improper scope and quality;
2) charging double fees for the provision of the same medical service.
6.3 The Customer shall be liable for late payment of the cost of services.
6.4 If the Customer violates the payment terms under the Agreement the Contractor shall be entitled to demand payment of a penalty at the rate of 0.1% of the outstanding amount for each calendar day of delay. Application of the liquidated damages to the Customer shall not release the Customer from performance of obligations stipulated by the Agreement including payment for the provided Services.
6.5 In case of the Customer's refusal to receive services according to subparagraph 9) of paragraph 5.1. of the Agreement and if such refusal is not related to force majeure or in the absence of fair reasons confirmed by documents the Contractor undertakes to return to the Customer the cost of medical services paid in advance within 7 (seven) business days subject to deduction of actually incurred expenses of the Contractor in the amount not exceeding 30% of such amount.
6.6 The Contractor shall not be liable for valuables left by the Customer, accompanying persons when visiting the Contractor's clinics. All items left by the Customer, accompanying persons at the Contractor's premises will be returned to the Customer, if possible, upon contacting the Contractor within a reasonable period of time (seven calendar days), and the Contractor shall be relieved of any responsibility for storage and safety thereof.
6.7 In case of failure to perform or improper performance by the Parties of their obligations under the Agreement all disputes and disagreements shall be resolved through negotiations. In case of impossibility to settle the dispute through negotiations the dispute shall be resolved in accordance with the applicable legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
6.8 The Contractor shall not be liable in the following cases:
1) for the quality of consumables and medicines purchased by the Customer from third parties and for the consequences of use thereof;
2) for any negative consequences resulting from the Customer's illnesses that have not been taken into account by the Contractor when providing the Services due to the fact that they have not been specified (reported) by the Customer or his representative;
3) violation or failure to comply by the Customer with the prescriptions and recommendations of the attending physician;
4) the Customer has an allergic reaction or individual intolerance to drugs, vaccines or materials authorized for use in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, except for cases when the Customer has notified the Contractor in advance about the allergy to the specified drugs or materials;
5) in case of any changes in the Customer's health condition during the period of providing services or afterwards, which are related to the effect of medication on the Customer's organism (side effect of the drug);
6) in case of early termination of providing the Services under the Agreement upon initiative of the Customer, or early termination of providing the Services under the Agreement upon initiative of the Contractor in cases stipulated by the Agreement;
7) where the Customer insists on a specific method of treatment other than that proposed by the Contractor and has agreed to accept responsibility for any adverse consequences;
8) in case of deterioration of the Customer's health condition if it is not related to the Services provided, or if the deterioration has occurred due to the risks previously announced to the Customer, with which he/she was familiarized himself/herself and agreed with all the consequences;
9) in case of the Customer's refusal from additional medical services under the Agreement;
10) for any negative consequences resulting from the provision of medical services to the Customer by third parties (outside of the Contractor's premises) not related to the Contractor by any contractual legal relations, as well as for the consequences of taking medicines or dietary supplements by the Customer without prescription of the Contractor's attending physician (without authorization).

7. Force majeure

7.1 The Parties shall not be liable for failure to fulfill the terms and conditions of the Agreement if it has resulted from the occurrence or effect of force majeure events.
7.2 The Contractor shall not be liable for payment of liquidated damages or termination of the Agreement due to failure to perform its terms and conditions if the delay in performance of the Agreement is the result of force majeure.
7.3 For the purposes of the Agreement force majeure means an event beyond the control of the Parties and of an unforeseeable nature. Such events may include, but are not limited to: military action, natural disasters and others.

8. Amendment and termination of the Agreement

8.1 The terms and conditions of this Agreement may be unilaterally changed by the Contractor at any time. Changes to the Agreement shall be published on the Contractor's website. The changes shall come into effect after 30 (thirty) days from the date of their public posting by the Contractor on its website. The Customer shall be solely responsible for keeping track of the updated version of the Agreement.

9. Personal data

9.1 By accepting this Agreement the Customer agrees to collection, processing, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, change), sorting, use, depersonalization, blocking, destruction of his Personal data by the Contractor. The Contractor collects only those Personal data that the Customer provides voluntarily. Personal data are provided by the Customer when receiving medical services.
9.2 The Contractor is not entitled to process the Customer's personal data without sufficient legal basis therefore the Contractor processes the information only for the following purposes:
1) surname, given name and patronymic name (if any) of the Customer, individual identification number (IIN), cell phone number of the Customer, registration and residence address of the Customer - for identification of the Customer as a recipient of medical services, for its registration in the Contractor's database, for making an appointment with a physician, for provision of medical services.
2) cell phone number, e-mail address - for sending the results of tests and other investigations, for providing remote medical services.
3) Contractor may use Customer Personal data for internal purposes, such as: conducting audits, training, data analysis and various studies in order to improve the quality of services as well as interaction with Customers.
4) information about the actual diagnosis, examination, treatment and its results - for proper provision of medical services;
5) audio and/or video recording of the Customer's visit to the clinic for the purposes of dispute resolution, service improvement process and educational purposes;
9.3 The Customer's Personal data shall not be transferred to any third parties, except as expressly provided for in this Agreement and/or applicable law.
9.4 The Customer agrees that the Contractor may share the Customer's personal data with third parties engaged by the Contractor to provide services to the Customer, physicians engaged by the Contractor to provide consultancy services to the Contractor's personnel, provided such parties undertake to ensure confidentiality of the data received. Such third parties will be obligated to protect Customer's information regardless of their country of location. Contractor will endeavor to provide third parties with the minimum amount of personal data necessary only to provide quality health care services to Customers.
9.5 Contractor may be required by law, legal process, litigation, and/or public requests or requests from governmental authorities within or outside of the country of service provision to disclose Customer’s Personal data. Contractor may also disclose Customer’s Personal data if it determines that such disclosure is necessary or appropriate for law enforcement or other public interest purposes. Contractor may also disclose personal data if it determines that disclosure is necessary to enforce Contractor's terms and conditions or for the purpose of protecting Contractor's operations or patients. Additionally, in the event of a reorganization, merger or sale the Contractor may transfer any or all of the personal information collected to an appropriate third party.
9.6 The Customer agrees that the Contractor may engage third parties for proper provision of services to the Customer, participation in the process of examination, counseling, discussion of treatment tactics or other necessary issues to improve the quality of medical services provided to me, and therefore agrees to such participation of third parties in the provision of services to the Customer. The Customer is also advised that during the process of providing the Services the Contractor may make audio, video recording of the Service provision process. Such audio, video filming is carried out by the Contractor upon prior consent of the Customer and exclusively for training purposes for training, professional development of the Contractor's specialists, improvement of the quality of medical services.

10. Procedure for resolving disputes and conflict situations

10.1 Determination of the procedure for consideration of cases (events) of medical incident, recording and analysis thereof shall be carried out on the basis of the order approved by the authorized body in the field of health care.
10.2 In case of violation of the Customer's rights the latter (his/her legal representative) may file a claim (complaint) in writing, which shall be submitted through the Contractor's reception desk and submitted to the Contractor's manager for consideration. In order to promptly receive a response to the claim (complaint) the Customer is recommended to leave a contact phone number.
10.3 The claim (complaint) shall be considered within 15 (fifteen) business days from the moment of receipt thereof by the Contractor. A written response to the claim (complaint) shall be sent to the Customer by mail to the address specified by the Customer or, at the Customer's request it may be delivered to him personally at an agreed time or explained verbally.
10.4 The Customer may address all questions, complaints and suggestions to the Patient Support and Internal Review Service and to the Contractor's manager.

11. Final provisions

11.1 By accepting this Agreement the Customer attest that he/she is advised of the procedure for receiving medical aid in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan as well as of the possibility of receiving medical aid within the guaranteed scope of free medical aid and (or) in the system of compulsory social medical insurance (if such possibility is provided based on the specifics of the disease). Notwithstanding this by receiving services from the Contractor the Customer expresses its intention and consent to receive medical care on a fee basis.
11.2 All other matters not regulated by this Agreement shall be governed by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Neither party shall have the right to transfer its obligations under this Agreement to a third party without the written consent of the other party. Engagement of third parties by the Contractor in the process of providing Services under the Agreement shall not be considered as transfer of rights and obligations under this Agreement to such third parties.
11.3 This Agreement shall come into force from the date of acceptance thereof by the Customer and shall remain in force until all obligations of the parties under this Agreement have been fulfilled.

12. Contractor's bank details

International Medical Center LLP
Address: Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty city,
235, Mukanov street, room 132
BIN 050440004838
1.General provisions
Rules of internal conduct of International Medical Center LLP (hereinafter referred to as the "Rules") are an organizational and legal document regulating with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan the operation in the field of healthcare in accordance, the behavior of the patient and accompanying persons while staying at International Medical Center (hereinafter referred to as the "Clinic"), as well as other issues arising between the participants of legal relations - the patient (his/her legal representative) and the Clinic.
These Rules are binding for the staff and patients as well as other persons who have addressed the Clinic, they have been developed in order to realize the patient's rights provided for by law, to create the most favorable opportunities to provide the patient with timely medical care of proper scope and quality.
Audio and video surveillance is conducted in the halls of the Clinic to maintain order and security.
All conversations with the Clinic's call-center operators are recorded.

Rules for visiting the Clinic:
1. When visiting the Clinic depending on the weather conditions and the decision of the Clinic administration, you must wear shoe covers or change your shoes.
2. In the cold season outer garment must be left in the checkroom. It is prohibited to wear outer garment to physician's appointments, laboratory and other examinations.
3. Each patient has a specific appointment time according to the appointment. Late and delayed appointments may reduce the quality of the service provided and delay the next patient's appointment. If a patient is more than 15 minutes late the physician reserves the right to postpone the appointment if he/she is unable to extend it without compromising the interests of the next patient.
4. Entrance to the physician's office is only allowed upon invitation of the physician. It is forbidden to enter the physician's office uninvited while another patient is being seen.
5. The presence of accompanying persons (except for the patient's legal representatives) in the office of the attending physician is allowed only upon permission of the attending physician and provided that all his/her requirements and instructions are fulfilled, except for cases provided for by the applicable legislation.
6. All visitors (patient, legal representatives, accompanying persons) shall observe the rules of personal hygiene.
7. The Clinic premises shall be kept clean and tidy. Garbage, used personal hygiene products shall be thrown away only into garbage bins, used shoe covers shall be placed in a special garbage bin located in the lobby of the Clinic.
8. During epidemics all patients are required to exercise social discipline, use protective equipment, gauze or other dressings designed to protect against respiratory infection.
9. When visiting the Clinic patients and persons accompanying them must treat the property of the Clinic and of other patients with care.
10. Smoking, drinking of alcoholic beverages, narcotic drugs, psychotropic and toxic substances are prohibited in the Clinic.
11. It is prohibited to appear in the Clinic under the influence of alcohol, drugs and toxic substances, except for the need for emergency and urgent medical care.
12. During appointments with the attending physician or during other examinations the cell phone of the patient as well as that of those accompanying the patient must be set to silent mode or turned off. Talking on the phone during the provision of medical services is not allowed except in cases of the need to obtain additional information for transfer thereof to the attending physician.
13. Photography and videotaping in the physician's office or during procedures is permitted only upon prior authorization from the attending physician or the Contractor's medical staff performing the procedure.
14. When addressing the Clinic, the patient must present a personal identification document to the administrator of the Clinic for the purpose of his/her identification.
15. The patient and the accompanying persons shall treat the property of the Clinic and other patients with care and in case of damage to such property shall compensate for it at their own expense.
16. The staff of the Clinic has the right to refuse service to the patient in case of failure to comply with the stated rules of conduct.
17. The Clinic is not responsible for patients' valuables, including those left in the pockets of outer garment in the checkroom.

When seeking medical care at the facility the patient must:
1. comply with the internal code of conduct of the Clinic, keep silence, cleanliness and order;
2. fulfill the requirements of fire safety. If fire sources or other sources threatening public safety are detected, the patient must immediately notify the staff on duty;
3. comply with the requirements and instructions of the attending physician;
4. follow the diet recommended by your physician;
5. cooperate with the attending physician at all stages of medical care;
6. document in accordance with the approved procedure his/her refusal to receive information about the state of health, the results of examination, the presence of the disease, its diagnosis and prognosis, including in cases of unfavorable prognosis of the disease, refusal from medical intervention or termination thereof;
7. treat medical personnel with respect, not use profanity, show friendly and courteous attitude toward other patients;

A patient may be denied medical care for violation of the Rules.

of internal conduct
of International Medical Center LLP
Both of our clinics are located in Almaty: Mukanov St., 235, and Gagarina St., 311A
© 2022 International Medical Center
Clinic on Gagarin St.:
Clinic on Mukanov St.:
General call center:
Mon-Fri from 08:00 to 17:00
Sat (Gagarin St. only) 09:00 to 13:00
Working Hours:
Contacts ☎️