
Please note that as of December 1, 2024, the following changes are being made to the U.S. immigrant visa medical examination process: ALL children over 2 years of age and adults must undergo an additional TB Spot test for tuberculosis.

Immigration medical examinations are performed daily from 8 – 12 am except weekends and holidays.

To make an appointment for the medical exam you should email the following documents at imc.migration.usa@gmail.com with the indication of preferable exam date and expect a response to your email within 24 hours:
  1. The front page of your foreign passport (the one with the photo)
  2. Invitation letter from the Consulate with the Case number
  3. Current address with zip code (in English)
  4. Address in the USA you provided on Form DS-260
  5. Your Email address and cell phone number
  6. Work/position, school/university/grade for all applicants
  7. City of birth
  8. Information about change of citizenship if any
  9. Covid 19 vaccination certificate
  10. Effective December 1, 2024, the following changes are being made to the U.S. immigrant visa screening process: ALL children over 2 years of age and adults must undergo an additional TB test in the form of a TB Spot blood test. This test does not negate the need for a chest X-ray for all applicants 15 years of age or older. The blood test is done in the consulate-approved Gamma Lab laboratory. The test is taken on an empty stomach from 09.00 to 12.00 from Monday to Thursday, you must have the original birth certificate for children and passports for all applicants. If you have been examined before, then the IGRA test is valid only for 6 months, after which time the test must be repeated according to CDC protocols.

TB Spot Blood Test Information :
- Who should be examined?
- Children older than 2 years and adults
- Where?
- Almaty, GammaLab Laboratory, 55a Khodzhanov Street, phone +7 727 313 17 37; +7 705 1000333 (WhatsApp) https://tbrklz.gammalab.kz/contacts

- Cost:
  • Standard - 39 500 + 500 tenge Blood sampling from a vein. Readiness: 3 working days.
  • Accelerated - 44 500 + 500 tenge Blood sampling from a vein. Readiness: result the next day after 15:00

- When?
- Monday to Thursday from 09.00 to 12.00

- Important information for the test: Can I get vaccinated on the day of the test?
If you have received a live vaccine—such as measles, mumps, rubella (MMR), oral polio, varicella (chickenpox), or yellow fever—within the past 30 days, you should not take the IGRA test. It is required to wait at least 30 days after your last live vaccine to avoid the risk of a false-positive result. Other types of vaccines do not affect the results of the IGRA test.

The IGRA test can be taken before undergoing the medical examination. The test results are valid for 6 months.

Does BCG vaccination in the past affect the test results?
- No, it does not. This test is valuable because it helps distinguish between an allergic reaction and a true infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

The medical examination includes:
The table shows the main tests that need to be done according to age and visa category.
U.S. Embassy Immigration Visa Exam
What vaccinations do I need to pass a medical examination?

The doctor will tell you about all the missing vaccinations necessary for the medical examination during the check of your vaccination cards during the examination. The necessary vaccines can be delivered both here and in any other clinic in the city.

In order to consult with a doctor about vaccinations in advance, you can sign up for a paid consultation, where the doctor will tell you what you will need to deliver for a successful medical examination. To make an appointment for a consultation, please call our call center +7 727 378-64-64.
Applicants for immigrant visas must now be vaccinated at least one dose against Covid-19 in order to immigrate to the United States. The vaccines accepted for immigrants are those approved by the World Health Organization (WHO) for emergency use, or those which are licensed or approved for emergency use by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Please visit the WHO website for more information.

At the time of the medical examination, you must present proof of previous vaccination for COVID-19. If you are eligible for vaccination and have previously refused it, you will not be allowed to enter the United States. Please visit the CDC website for more information.

Below you will find answers to common questions:

Which vaccines are accepted by the United States? Is Sputnik vaccine accepted?

- Vaccines approved for immigration: Pfizer, Moderna, Janssen (Johnson & Johnson), AstraZeneka, Sinopharm/BIBP, Sinovac, Covishield (India).

Sputnik V has not yet been approved by the WHO. Do I need to have both doses before my medical exam?

- Yes. The vaccination process against COVID-19 must be completed before the medical examination. For most COVID-19 vaccines, this means you will need to have 2 doses complete before your exam.

** You may want an interval of about 1 week between the last vaccination against COVID-19 and your medical examination. It is likely that you will need other vaccines during the medical examination.

Can I bring documentation of antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 instead of the vaccination record?

- No. The presence of antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 or a certificate of a previous illness are NOT grounds for refusing vaccination.

What if I don’t want to be vaccinated against COVID-19?

- Refusal of vaccination against COVID-19 is the reason for refusal to enter the United States.

US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) will review any petition for refusal to vaccinate and will issue its opinion. This decision is not made by a doctor during the medical examination.

What if I have already received an unapproved vaccine?

- If you have already received both doses of an unapproved vaccine and in your country of residence you are denied vaccination with an approved vaccine, this will be documented during the medical examination. This will not be grounds for denial of your visa.

- Revaccination against COVID-19 (booster shot) for the immigration medical exam is not needed.

On the day of your medical exam you must bring:
  1. Passport (including children’s)
  2. 5 color photos, size 3x4 cm, with the matted back (we ask you to bring cut out photos)
  3. Medical records with information about past vaccinations. Original of the medical chart with the vaccinations is preferable.
  4. Invitation letter for the interview at the US Consulate
  5. Covid 19 vaccination certificate
  6. For children over 2 years of age and adults - documented results of the IGRA test result, conducted at the GammaLab, Almaty. The test has to be administered within 6 months of the exam date.
  7. If you are taking any medications for a long time, then prepare a list with the names of these drugs for a physical examination.

* If your passport details have changed, you must send a picture of the first page of your passport 48 hours before your appointment. If a new document is presented on the day of the appointment, your examination results will be delayed by 1-2 business days.

After the physical examination and the results of the TB spot IGRA test, you will be given a sealed envelope with documents for an interview at the U.S. Consulate the next day.
If the results of the tuberculosis test are not provided on the day of the medical examination, the issuance of the envelope will be delayed for 1-3 working days.
You will also be given a copy of your vaccination card for personal use. You will need this card to get medical insurance, enroll for school/kindergarten, and for work. If you lose your vaccination card, you must contact the U.S. Consulate in Almaty directly.

Please note that for some visa categories, your medical examination data is sent to the Consulate directly and the envelope is not issued. You can find more detailed instructions in the confirmation email for your medical examination appointment.

If your medical examination is on a Friday, the document package will be issued on Monday, provided the TB spot IGRA test results are available. When receiving the envelopes with the medical examination results, please bring a bag or pouch to carry the envelopes.

The cost of the basic medical examination (excluding the cost of vaccination and blood test for tuberculosis) - 90,000 tenge

The cost of a repeat medical examination is the same as for the initial examination (excluding the cost of vaccination) - 90,000 tenge

*** The cost of the medical examination does not include vaccination and blood test for tuberculosis.

Our addresses are:
- Serkebayev Ave, 111, corner of Kozhabekov str.
- Mukanov 235, corner of Kabanbay Batyr str.

Working Hours:
  • 235, Mukanova St.:
Mon-Fri from 08:00 to 17:00
Tue from 12:30 to 13:30 - break
Make an appointment
Consult with a doctor at the clinic or online
(WhatsApp only)
Mon-Fri: 07:30-20:00
Sat: 08:30-13:30
Tue 12:30-13:30 - break
Our clinic is located in Almaty: 235, Mukanova St.
Contacts ☎️
Immigration department:
(only on immigration issues)
Mon-Fri 09:00-17:00
Tue 12:30-13:30 - break
© 2022 International Medical Center